- 4 lessons
- 1 quizzes
- 3 week duration
Module 1
The protein – ligand interaction, protein – protein interaction or any type of antigen – antibody interaction can be done by employing online Patchdock server. Both the academics and firms can utilize this modelling server for their predicting interpretation. Various docking softwares or online servers have been developed in last 30 years.
But Patchdock is a free online web server which is easy to use and have 3 -dimensional transformation space. Patchdock is a momentous algorithm for antigen-antibody interaction and for small ligand interaction.
Symmdock is also similar to the Patchdock but used for symmetrical transformations. In this course, we describe the online servers for molecular docking simulations (Patchdock) algorithms and will focus on the issues.