- 27 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 10 week duration
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
RNASeq Pipeline using edgeR
Removal of rRNA and Adapter Trimming
Trimming and Filtering
Although the overall data looks acceptable, we need to remove adapter sequences and low quality
bases (Q < 20) from the ends of the reads using “Trim Galore!” [15]. Install Trim Galore in galaxy and quality-filter the data by using default parameters, paired end, and universal Illumina adaptor
option (you may need to change the data type of files to “fastqsanger”). Once the trimming and
filtering is complete, check the quality of the trimmed data using FastQC tool. Now our data is ready
to be used for further analysis. Save these QC filtered fastq files to an analysis folder.