- 18 lessons
- 0 quizzes
- 4 week duration
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Project Discussion
Here are the list of Phytocompounds –
1. ailanthinone,
2. benzoquinone,
3. canthin,
4. dehydroglaucarubinone,
5. glaucarubine,
6. glaucarubolone,
7. glaucarubinone,
8. holacanthone,
9. melianone,
10. simaroubidin,
11. simarolide,
12. simarubin,
13. simarubolide,
14. sitosterol,
15. tirucalla
Use all the Pharmacological tools and make a table of ADME Analysis and Physiochemical
Properties of all the phytocompounds including BOILED-Egg.