About Us

LAB - Learn at BioNome

LAB was founded by SRNOME PRIVATE LIMITED in 2020 with a vision to provide applied learnings to newbies and experienced around the globe. Today, our core team has decades of combined experience in the fields of training, e-learning and blended learning. Currently, LAB is working with Academia and industrial experts to design courses and degrees for universities and companies. LAB being an Online platform provide flexible learning to candidate at their own pace.

We make sure to follow lean-learning Concept while designing our Courses:

  1. Learning the core of what you need to learn
  2. Applying it to real-world situations immediately
  3. Receiving immediate feedback and refining your understanding
  4. Repeating the cycle

Our Vision

As a mission-oriented company, we tirelessly pursued our vision of a world in which every learner has access to education in order to unleash their potential, without cost or location barriers.

Can We Help You?

We help organizations large and small to develop and deliver engaging, effective e-learning and training programs.

If you want to reduce costs, speed up training or improve learning outcomes in your company, contact us at LAB for an informal discussion about your needs.